SSL server
SSL: Cryptography & authentication
Principle and law disclaimer
Reminder An Authority of Certification is required to ensure your certificates. Theses one provides:
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Authentication
There's three options:
- You can create your own Authority of Certification ;
- Use a trusted Authority of Certification (commercial). Unfortunately, it's very expansive to use such ones ;
- Use an Open Source Authority of Certification: www.cacert.orgLegal aspects
You are not allowed to use any cryptography. The maximum cryptographic level is set by the law.
Install packages
apt-get install openssl
Prep folders
Create working directory
mkdir -p /srv/ssl
cd /srv/ssl
Create ssl structure
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> mkdir certs crl newcerts private export <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Initialize values <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> echo 01 > serial touch index.txt cp /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf .Configuration <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
During the process you’ll have to enter the same data many times. You should edit the default values Adjust default values Edit openssl.cnf
- vim /srv/ssl/openssl.cnf
Set the working directory dir = /srv/ssl
- Where everything is kept
→ Line 42 Adjust [req_distinguished_name] section (~ line 127): [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName countryName_default countryName_min countryName_max = Country Name (2 letter code) = SE = 2 = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default = SWEDEN localityName localityName_default = Locality Name (eg, city) = Göteborg 0.organizationName 0.organizationName_default = Organization Name (eg, company) ~Domain name = emailAddress emailAddress_default emailAddress_max = Email Address = = 64Certificate Authority / Domain root server Difference between local CA / commercial CA Either you create your own certificate authority or you can use a commercial one. Main differences: Price Validity Browser alerts Can be used for e-commerce Personal C.A free you choose Yes No Commercial C.A from 50$ / year (Go Daddy) Usually 1 or 2 year No Yes Choose an authority of certification and subscribe to a wildcard domain certification. On July 2013, Go Daddy seems to be the cheapest authority. In either case you need to: Create a private key Generate a request (that will slightly change) Create CA private key Generate a RSA private key (4096 bits length) for the CA and protect it with AES256 encryption
- openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private/cakey.pem -rand ./ 4096
You have to enter a password. This password will be required to perform all next operations Create a Certificate Authority or Domain root certificate 1 st option: create a personal Certificate Authority Auto-sign your Certification Authority for 10 years
- openssl req -config openssl.cnf \
-new -x509 -sha256 -nodes \ -key private/cakey.pem \ -out cacerts.pem \ -days 3600 Answer the questions: Country Name (2 letter code) [SE]: State or Province Name (full name) [Sweden]: Locality Name (eg, city) [Göteborg]: Organization Name (eg, company) []: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: Daxiongmao CA Email Address []:Some explanations: Parameter meaning -config openssl.cnf to use the local OpenSSL configuration file -new to request a new certificate -x509 auto-sign this certificate -sha256 hash algorithm to use -key certificate private key -out Target output file to create -days Certificate validity time (in days) You can check result by:
- openssl x509 -in cacerts.pem -text –noout
2 nd option: request for a domain root certificate Create a new server certificate request for target CA. See process below to generate server’s certificate requestServer certificate Go to the working directory
- cd /srv/ssl
Create server private key Generate encrypt private key
- openssl genrsa -aes256 -out private/serverName.key -rand ./ 4096
The ServerName must match the server FQDN. Ex: Unencrypt private key If your key is encrypt, then you have to manually give the password each and every time a service starts. = if private key is encrypt then it cannot be used at startup. So, for services like Apache2, you have to unencrypt the key:
- openssl rsa -in private/serverName.key -out private/serverName.nopass.key
Create server’s certificate request
- openssl req -config openssl.cnf \
-new -nodes \ -key private/serverName.key \ -out certs/serverName.req Answer the questions: Country Name (2 letter code) [SE]: State or Province Name (full name) [Sweden]: Locality Name (eg, city) [Göteborg]: Organization Name (eg, company) []: Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: Email Address []: Do not use a challenge password 1 st option: sign the request with your own CA
- openssl ca -config openssl.cnf \
-in certs/serverName.req \ -out certs/serverName.cert.pem \ -cert cacerts.pem \ -days 3600Some explanations: Parameter meaning -config openssl.cnf to use the local OpenSSL configuration file -in Incoming certificate request -out Target certificate file -cert CA certificate to use -days Certificate validity time (in days) You can check result by:
- cat /srv/ssl/certs/serverName.cert.pem
2 nd option: send the request to the CA You have to send the “.req” file to the CA. They will send you back the certificate.Export certificate – PKCS12
- cd /srv/ssl
To export a certificate, it must be in PKCS12 format. You have to perform the following for each and every certificate you’d like to export.
- openssl pkcs12 -export \
-descert -inkey private/serverName.key \ -in certs/serverName.cert.pem \ -certfile cacerts.pem \ -name "Certicate name" \ -out export/serverName.p12 Do not put an export password. You can also use the non-protected keySetup website to send local CA and server certificates This required to have a web server up and running Create dedicated folder
- mkdir -p /var/www/ssl/certs
- touch /var/www/ssl/certs/index.html
Web page <html> <head> <title>Certificates list</title> </head> <body>
Certificates list
Certification Authority
Authority of certification: <a href="https://serverURL/certs/cacerts.pem ">root certificate</a>
Servers certificates
Click on the following links to download sub-servers certificates
- <a href=" https://serverURL/certs/serverName.p12">my server</a>
</body> </html> Copy files
- cp /srv/ssl/cacerts.pem /var/www/ssl/certs/cacerts.pem
- cp /srv/ssl/ export/serverName.p12 /var/www/ssl/certs/serverName.p12
Update rights
- chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ssl
- chmod 755 -R /var/www/sslInstallation on client computer
Go to https://myServer/certs 1 st alert You haven’t install the certificate yet... This website is presume to be non-secured. Example of alert on Google chrome (click “proceed anyway”) Then, you will see the following alert on URL: Download file Save file Installation Go to Google Chrome > Settings > Show advanced settings > Enable “check for server certificate revocation” Click on manage certificates... Certification Authority Click on “Trusted root Certification Authorities” > Import...Choose the file to import (myCA.pem) .pem are not displayed by default, but they can be used Trust the certificates Restart Google Chrome Check result After Google Chrome restart, go back to https://myServer/certs Everything is OK now!